LED Exterior Lighting

Code 3 exterior lighting ensures professionals have the ability to illuminate the scene with incredible clarity. With convenient designs that integrate smoothly with the latest vehicle contours, exterior lighting from Code 3 improves both productivity and safety.

CD3790 MegaFlex™ Series
Best Selling
CD3790 MegaFlex™ Series
Citadel™ Pillar Series
Citadel™ Pillar Series
M180™ Series
Premium Choice
M180™ Series

Surface Mount Lightheads

Multi-Mount Lightheads


concealed warning, surface mount, head/tail lamp mount

Rear Vehicle Lighting

Code 3 LED exterior emergency lights, including directional lighting, police lights, and emergency vehicle lights, offer professionals the capability to illuminate the scene with incredible clarity. Designed with convenience in mind, these exterior lights seamlessly integrate with the latest vehicle contours, whether it's a police car, ambulance, fire truck, or any other emergency vehicle. The strobes and flashers, available in various configurations such as surface mount, multi-mount, and concealed options, enhance warning capabilities. Our police flashing lights, available in single, dual, or tri-color configurations like red-blue, deliver top-notch performance to ensure both productivity and safety.
